Wednesday, October 1, 2008


My husband has two wonderful teenage girls and they are stuck right in the middle "of are they an adult or still a youngster". I would hate to be a teenager right now. The world is so full of uncertainity and they are growing up with so many bad things to tempt them. They know so much about drugs and so much about sex and life. I did not know half the stuff until I was in my mid 20's. I try to be there for them as best as I can. I try to relate what went on my life when I was there age. I explained to them about my rape when I was 13 and about the things I see working in public health and the things I see as an EMT.

I guess the part that has me really worried, is the fact that one of the girls has completly shut us out. She will not come to the house or talk to us. She has always been the daddy's girl and yet now she has shut the door on us. Her sister is very open with us and I feel like we have a good relationship, I thought that we all had a goodrelationship.

About 10 minutes ago, B called her dad and said that she had decided to come up. More than likely what happened is that her mom gave her a guilt trip. B says that she is only coming for one day and that we need to take her home on Sat. I love to see them but with gas the way it is , you just can not go running around constantly.

I guess it is a win and lose situation. I look at other people who have teenagers and some of those are completly out of control, so I thank God that the girls are not like that. My husband has been told several times by his ex wife that he is nothing a but a sperm donor and child support payee. That hurts his feelings, because they are his daughters but yet they are not. The child support system is crazy and very hard to deal with. I understand why some men just go into hiding, because it is so hard to pay. I hate that they abandon their children.

But our children are very spoiled in this day and time. I am not that old and I did not have half the stuff that they do. I had to buy my first car and I got a cell phone when I was 21, which I bought. Kids today think that it is all supposed to be handed to them.

Each and every day we must be extremely thankful for what we have, because at any point in time it could be taken away from us. All we truly need is a roof over our heads, food to eat, our health and our family. I often think that if we had things taken away from us as a society and we had to learn to act like the people did in the earlier years of the 1500's and such. How would society be today? My huge concern is the way the economy is now we may see a Depression tthat will make the Depression of the 20's look like a vacation.

1 comment:

Glenna Griffin said...

These are indeed trying times...but do not give up hope. All of the interraction that has gone into the relationship to this point will carry you all forward. She may be testing things a bit but in the back of her mind she knows you are there. Be patient. Be strong. Be there for her when she calls. The effort put in will come full circle.

Today's teenagers certainly have more to deal with then we did at that is not an easy time...but some things are constant no matter the, consistency, support, structure......those are the things that carry one through.......hang in there! The children are blessed to have you there!!!!