Tuesday, January 13, 2009


Someone prompted me to think about what we are thankful for and I have been thinking on it for a while.

I am so thankful for my husband, especially when he comes home safe from being on duty as law enforcement.

I am so thankful for his children, now my step children. They are great kids and they teach me and I hope that I am a positive influence to them.

I am so thankful for my parents and in-laws and my brother.

I am so thankful for the genuine friends that are in my life.

I am thankful for my health and my families health.

I am thankful for the home over my head, the vehicle that we drive, the job that I hold, the animals I have, the clothes on my back, the life that I lead.

We get so bogged down in debt and life that we fail to see how good we have it. People in other countries are lucky if they get a meal that day or have an extra shirt to put on. We are a very spoiled society. We have so many privileges. Our lives are so full of promise and we have many avenues that we can follow. Be thankful!

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