Tuesday, January 13, 2009


Someone prompted me to think about what we are thankful for and I have been thinking on it for a while.

I am so thankful for my husband, especially when he comes home safe from being on duty as law enforcement.

I am so thankful for his children, now my step children. They are great kids and they teach me and I hope that I am a positive influence to them.

I am so thankful for my parents and in-laws and my brother.

I am so thankful for the genuine friends that are in my life.

I am thankful for my health and my families health.

I am thankful for the home over my head, the vehicle that we drive, the job that I hold, the animals I have, the clothes on my back, the life that I lead.

We get so bogged down in debt and life that we fail to see how good we have it. People in other countries are lucky if they get a meal that day or have an extra shirt to put on. We are a very spoiled society. We have so many privileges. Our lives are so full of promise and we have many avenues that we can follow. Be thankful!

Monday, January 12, 2009

Simple Pleasures

Day to day we go through the motions and we get so caught up in everything that deal with our lives that we have a tendency to forget about the simple pleasures.

I never get to ride horses as often as I would like anymore, because everything else takes precedence. The other day I took 4 teenagers and a 3 yo riding and we had a lot of fun, but it was so nice to sit on the horse, feel the wind and look out across the fields. Granted I had a three year old riding with me that can hold a conversation with a brick wall and make it entertaining, but what was fun was seeing it through her eyes. We rode past a pond and she got all excited because she saw turtles. She really didn't (they were actually sticks, poking up) but oh was she excited. We saw some deer and she thought they were beautiful and then we rode by the river and she was fascinated to see the water rolling by. Sometimes I wish we could all see that way.

The economy has really fallen down and we have been hit really hard by some bad decisions in the past that we are paying for and last week it really got to me and I was very snappy and very unhappy. I took it out on my husband and we had several intense discussions. I hate it but I feel like I am doing this all alone and that I am struggling and instead of getting ahead. I am falling farther and farther behind.

Every night I pray that the kids and my husband and my family are all kept safe. That I can provide them with all that they need and that we are so thankful for what we have, because we are better off than a lot of people.

We always talk about winning the lottery and what would we do with the money. I would love to pay off my debts and build a house big enough for the kids and build a barn for the horses and then I would invest the rest and open up a juvenile help farm. What would you do? Where would you do good? I want to help so many and I think that I get so down because I am better off thatn alot of people, but I still can't help them.

I have limited friends and a ton of aquaitances. I have a trust issue. I have been burned so many times, that I do not trust just anyone. I can count on my hand all the special people in my life and I would not trade it for the world. Keep your friends near and your enemies closer. I wish that I could solve everyones problems and make it all ok, but alas I can not. The best word of advice that I can someone is to saty strong, love themselves and don't look and wait but let that someone special come into your life and surprise you.