Friday, February 6, 2009


Lately I have been reflecting on relationships again. They fascinate and puzzle me. I have had some issues with my older stepchildren and their mother. Part of it is them growing up, but the other part is thier mother not letting them make their own choices. Do I believe in giving them a free rein? ABSOLUTLY NOT! Do I believe in giving them a little slack? YES AND WHEN IT IS TIME TO PULL BACK, WE WILL.

I have learned the hard way, that no matter how much I love them and no matter what I do, I can never expet the same from them. I guess in the back of my mind, I thought that they loved me. They like me, but I am just another person to them.

I try to give them all they deserve, but their mother does not want them around their dad and she causes so much trouble that it ends becoming ugly.

I look at my friends relationsships. I have a friend that has been dating her significant oter for 2 years and she is so ready to get married. They are both Catholic and observe those ways. She is so ready and he just keeps on hanging back. He has yet to go through with his divorce through the Catholic church and she feels like it will never happen.

I have another friend who is just begging for a friendship even though he knows that he can not have more, bu the other person does not want that friendship with him, because of the implications that they are worried about. Will it be taken in the wrong context?

I have another friend, who has sworn off guys, because of all the bad luck she has had.

I love my husband an I could not ask for a better man to be involved with. He has issues and taking on the 4 stepchildren has been daunting, but yet, I need him in my life, I can not imagine going through life without him there. We work so well together and I wish that we could quit work and do nothing but run the farm, raise horses, cows and hay and of course, my chickens. They are so great. Everyone should have a chicken or two.

My husband is going somewhere tonight and he is taking 2 of the kids, while I stay home with the one that is sick and I feel as if I have lost a special piece. because he isn't with me. Hmmmmmm....

I love to sit at the mall, or the airport and watch people interact with each other. People are so caught up in today's problems, that they forget the simple nicities. When was the last time someone said hello or you look nice or thank you, just because they felt like it?

I challenge you to try being nice and smiling at everyone you meet that day and see what happens.