Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Life's Complications

I usually do not let things get me down and depressed. Most of the time I can find a positive in a haystack of negatives, but lately, even that has become difficult. Money is tough on everyone and it seems that every time you try to get ahead, you get knocked back. We are in some financial stressors and all I can do is try to keep our heads above water and make the Holidays good for the kids.

There is not a more important time of the year then now for family and friends to forget their problems and come together. If we do not have the people that are and have become important in lives now, then what do we have? Christmas is not about the biggest gift or who out did who, but that is what it has become. When did we forget each other and the love that we share and that Christ was born and here is for all of us. We must gather courage, turn our problems over to God and share with each other.

Wayne and I had a fight for the past two days and it all boils down to that we are extremely stressed. Our stress level has caused our anger level to rise and unfortunately we have used it against each other.

Another stressor has been at work. The higher powers have said that there will be no prayer said at luncheons or supper and that we are not allowed to decorate with anything religious. Now last time I checked, Christmas was about the birth of Christ our Lord. I am not a very religious person. At this time I do not attend church because I have not found one that I am happy with in my community. I am amazed at the hostility that can be brought about by religion and two people that were friends, will no longer speak to each other because they have a difference of religion.

I do have to say that I started this blog before Thanksgiving and now I am finishing it after Thanksgiving. My parents, brother and grandfather came to my house for Thanksgiving, which is a big deal, because we are all scattered in different states. They have never stayed at my house for more than 24 hours and they stayned 4 days and it was great. I really miss my mother when she is not around. There is so much that we could do together and talk about and we talk on the phone about 3 times a week, but it just is not the same. I am so thankful for my family and friends. The little things make the world a special place.

I look at everyone and we all have our problems and issues going on, but we must lean on each other for support. I have a friend that does want any help and I can completly understand, because I am normally the same way, but I am learning. I keep telling him to let us bear some of the burden. Let us care for the critters. Let us help out with elderly parents. He must remember to take time for himself to, before things fall apart. I always thought that asking for help was a sign of weakness, but it is not, it is a sign of strength in numbers.

Be thankful for all that we have, because not everyone is as blessed.